Oaklandbased Thredup Nasdaq 168m

Oaklandbased thredup nasdaq 168m – ThredUp is an Oakland-based online retail store that offers many gently used clothing and apparel choices. Founded in 2009, ThredUP has experienced tremendous growth, recently becoming the first-ever online thrift store to go public. On January 19, 2021, ThredUP listed on the Nasdaq stock exchange at a market value of $168M, a testament to its huge success over the past decade.

History of ThredUP

ThredUP’s story began in 2009 when it was founded by James Reinhart, Chris Homer, and Oliver Lubin. Their goal was to provide affordable, sustainable, and stylish fashion choices to those looking for secondhand clothing. With clothing prices being much more affordable than new garments, ThredUP quickly gained traction and rose to become a popular shopping option.

ThredUP and Sustainability

Sustainability has been central to ThredUP’s mission from the start. By providing gently used clothing to consumers, ThredUP reduces the amount of clothing that ends up in landfills. Reinhart’s and Homer’s focus on being sustainable also extended to their choice of materials, as they only use natural fibers and harm-free dyes.

Business Model and Expansion

ThredUP operates on a unique business model. This model provides both buyers and sellers with a convenient and easy way to purchase and sell items. In addition, ThredUP’s loyalty program provides discounts to frequent buyers, and the company also offers discounts on certain items, such as maternity and plus-size clothing.

In addition to its online store, ThredUP has expanded its operations to include physical stores. These stores provide a space for customers to try on clothing and receive one-on-one styling sessions from ThredUP stylists. ThredUP currently operates over 90 stores around the US, and the company plans to open many more in the future.

Listing on the NASDAQ

ThredUP’s growth over the past decade gained even more momentum with the company’s listing on the Nasdaq stock exchange on January 19, 2021. This IPO gave ThredUP a market value of $168M, making it the first-ever online thrift store to go public.


ThredUP is a prime example of how a focus on sustainability and convenience can lead to huge success. Over the past decade, ThredUP has experienced tremendous growth, thanks to their commitment to providing affordable and sustainable clothing options. With its recent listing on the NASDAQ, ThredUP is well-positioned to continue its market domination for many years to come.

Related FAQs

Q1. What is ThredUP?

A1. ThredUP is an Oakland-based online retail store that offers many gently used clothing and apparel choices. 

Q2. When was ThredUP founded?

A2. ThredUP was founded in 2009. 

Q3. What is the market value of ThredUP?

A3. ThredUP has a market value of $168M.

Q4. What is oaklandbased thredup nasdaq 168m?

A4. Oaklandbased ThredUp Nasdaq 168m is a reference to ThredUP’s listing on the Nasdaq stock exchange in January 2021, giving it a market value of $168M.

Q5. What is oaklandbased nasdaq 168m?

A5. Oaklandbased Nasdaq 168m is a reference to ThredUP’s listing on the Nasdaq stock exchange in January 2021, giving it a market value of $168M.

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