
Bed bugs are notorious for their ability to infest homes and businesses, causing anxiety and discomfort to their victims. One of the effective ways to deal with bed bugs is using glue traps. They can capture adult bed bugs and nymphs and eggs, preventing them from reproducing and causing further infestations.

However, the success of glue traps depends on the strategic placement of these traps. 

In this article, we will discuss the best locations to place glue traps for maximum effectiveness in controlling bed bugs.

Why use glue traps for bed bugs?

  • Glue traps are a safe and non-toxic alternative to chemical treatments that can be harmful to humans and pets.
  • Glue traps can help to detect the presence of bed bugs early on, preventing an infestation from getting out of hand.

Where to place glue traps?

Near the bed:

  • Place glue traps along the baseboards or under the bed frame where bed bugs are likely to travel.
  • Place traps in areas where bed bugs are most likely to feed, such as near the headboard, mattress seams, or box springs.

In the living room:

  • Place glue traps near upholstered furniture, such as sofas and armchairs, where bed bugs may hide.
  • Place traps under the carpet in the living room to capture bed bugs that may be traveling between rooms.

In the bathroom:

  • Place glue traps under the sink in the bathroom where bed bugs may be hiding.
  • Place traps near the bathtub or shower, as bed bugs may travel through the plumbing to access other parts of the home.

In the kitchen:

  • Place glue traps under the refrigerator and stove where bed bugs may hide.
  • Place traps near food storage areas, such as pantries and cabinets, to prevent bed bugs from contaminating food.


Do glue traps work for bed bugs?

Yes, glue traps can be effective for capturing bed bugs. Bed bug glue traps are specifically made to trap bed bugs and other insects using a powerful sticky adhesive that prevents them from escaping. 

Where do you place bed bug glue traps?

Bed bug glue traps should be placed where bed bugs are known to hide or travel. This can include near the bed, along baseboards, in the corners of the room, and in other areas where bed bugs are suspected. Make sure to place the traps in areas that are easily accessible and away from any pets or children

What attracts bed bugs to traps?

Bed bugs are attracted to the scent that traps give off, so placing traps in areas where these sources are present can help attract bed bugs. 


Now that you know how strategically placing glue traps can help you combat bed bug infestations, it’s time to take action. By following the tips outlined in this article and implementing a comprehensive approach to bed bug control, you can effectively eliminate these pests and prevent future infestations. Then, with a proactive mindset and a bit of diligence, you can regain control of your home and enjoy a good night’s sleep once again.

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