By 1935 The Proportion Of Women Workers In The Ussr’s Workforce Was In Every Five

By 1935 The Proportion Of Women Workers In The Ussr’s Workforce Was In Every Five – The Soviet Union, under the leadership of the Communist Party, embarked on a remarkable journey to transform its society and economy in the early 20th century. One of the significant changes during this period was the unprecedented participation of women in the workforce. By 1935, the proportion of women workers in the USSR’s workforce reached an astounding milestone of one in every five individuals. This was a remarkable achievement considering the societal norms prevalent during that era, where women’s roles were typically limited to domestic duties and supporting family life. The emergence of women in the workforce not only challenged traditional gender roles but also played a crucial role in the nation’s industrialization and social progress. This article delves into the factors that drove this transformation and the impact it had on women’s empowerment and the Soviet economy.

I. Background: The Foundation of Soviet Equality

A. Communist Ideology and Gender Equality

The rise of Marxism and Leninism in the Soviet Union laid the foundation for gender equality. These ideologies advocated for the liberation of all oppressed classes, including women, from the chains of social inequality. The Bolsheviks believed that true equality could only be achieved through the active participation of women in all aspects of society, including the workforce.

B. Women in the Russian Revolution

During the Russian Revolution of 1917, women played a significant role in the struggle for equality and social change. They actively participated in demonstrations, protests, and even joined the Red Army, proving their dedication and commitment to the cause. This revolutionary fervor laid the groundwork for greater female involvement in the workforce.

II. Promoting Women’s Workforce Participation

A. Legal Reforms and Rights

Following the Russian Revolution, the Soviet government introduced a series of legal reforms that aimed to dismantle the barriers preventing women from participating in the workforce. Laws were enacted to grant women equal rights in education, employment, and political representation. Maternity leave, child care facilities, and other supportive measures were implemented to enable women to balance their family responsibilities with work.

B. Propagating a New Role Model

The Soviet government utilized propaganda to create a new image of women as strong, capable, and productive members of society. Women were portrayed as both nurturing mothers and active contributors to the nation’s industrial growth. This shift in perception gradually broke down traditional gender norms and encouraged women to take up various roles in society.

III. Women in Industry: Building the Soviet Economy

A. Industrialization and Labor Demand

The Soviet Union’s rapid industrialization demanded a massive labor force to power the factories and industries. Women were seen as an invaluable resource to fulfill this requirement. Their participation in heavy industries such as manufacturing, mining, and construction became critical for the success of the five-year plans.

B. Equal Pay and Opportunities

Unlike many Western countries at the time, the USSR enforced equal pay for equal work, irrespective of gender. This policy further motivated women to join the workforce, as they knew their efforts would be recognized and rewarded on par with their male counterparts. This principle of equal opportunities strengthened the workforce and fostered a sense of unity and cooperation.

IV. Women’s Empowerment and Social Progress

A. Education and Professional Growth

The drive to promote gender equality extended to education as well. The Soviet government invested heavily in education, providing women with opportunities to pursue higher studies and professional degrees. This investment helped in creating a skilled and educated female workforce capable of contributing effectively to the country’s development.

B. Political Representation

As women gained prominence in the workforce, they also began to actively participate in politics. Women secured prominent roles in the Communist Party and various governmental bodies, shaping policies and advocating for gender equality and women’s rights.

V. Challenges and Criticism

A. Family and Social Pressures

Despite the significant progress, not all women were supportive of joining the workforce. Traditional familial and societal expectations often discouraged women from leaving their domestic roles, leading to resistance from certain sections of society.

B. Women in Leadership Positions

Although women made strides in various sectors, their representation in high-ranking leadership positions remained limited. This discrepancy exposed underlying gender biases that continued to exist even within a progressive society.


By 1935, the USSR had achieved a remarkable milestone in promoting gender equality, with one in every five individuals in the workforce being women. This transformation was not only a testament to the power of ideology but also to the collective effort of women and men in Soviet society. The inclusion of women in the workforce played a vital role in the country’s industrialization, social progress, and women’s empowerment. Despite challenges and limitations, the USSR’s commitment to gender equality set a precedent for the rest of the world, inspiring future generations to break down barriers and strive for a more inclusive society. The legacy of these pioneering efforts continues to resonate today, as the struggle for gender equality remains an ongoing global endeavor.

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